The Elkins Y is dedicated to improving the lives of men, women and children in our seven county region of central West Virginia. We provide a safe haven for fitness and fun and strive to provide quality programs, classes and activities that will help enhance your life.
What's Happening at the Y:
Fall is the perfect time to get active, social, and reconnect with a sport you love! Recreational coed volleyball registration is open!
Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Class OCTOBER 11th, 12th, and 13th.
Get Red Cross certified in Lifeguarding and CPR/First Aid.
It's Time for Back to School!
As another summer winds down and a new school year is on the horizon, the Elkins Y wants to remind parents and caregivers that the Y’s afterschool program is a place where children can remain active and engaged during their time out of school!
back to school is coming!
Our lifeguard staff is transitioning back to school, which means its time for new pool hours!
Drop in for family swim times, or make a reservation for lap swim -- we'll see you poolside!