Snowshoe Foundation recently awarded the YMCA a $3,500 grant to purchase a timer system to use at community swim meets.

The Snowshoe Foundation grant allowed the YMCA to purchase a wireless stopwatch system for use at swim meets. The system

 automatically transmits stop/start times to meet management software, which will improve accuracy and the overall management of community meets.

The system will be used by the RAYS, the YMCA’s competitive swim team, but also by the Elkins Otters and the Elkins High School team. The equipment is important to the community’s ability to host well organized events, which benefits both the children in our community and visiting competitors and their families.

Eric Anger, RAYS head coach, said, “We are extremely grateful for the help purchasing the Dolphin Timing System.  The devices will help social distance and decrease the number of people needed on deck to run the meet during the current crisis.  When the pandemic is over, we will be able to run our community swim meets at all levels, more efficiently by eliminating hand entry times and decreasing the need for multiple sheets of paper use to record these times by hand.”

See here for more information on the RAYS swim team.